Where infant Baptism has become the form in which this sacrament is usually celebrated, it has become a single act encapsulating the preparatory stages of Christian initiation in a very abridged way. By its very nature infant Baptism requires a post-baptismal catechumenate. Not only is there a need for instruction after Baptism, but also for the necessary flowering of baptismal grace in personal growth. The catechism has its proper place here.
- CCC 1231
Adult Faith Formation is a program for Catholics ages 18 and older to grow in their faith. We meet at 6 p.m. every Tuesday during the school year in the meeting room of the PSR building. Please contact the office for more information.
Adult Faith Formation Coordinator: Fr. Paul Clark
February 4th - "The Joyful Mysteries" on Formed (Episodes 1-2)
February 11th - "The Joyful Mysteries" on Formed (Episode 3-4)
February 18th - "The Joyful Mysteries" on Formed (Episode 5-6)
February 25th - "The Joyful Mysteries" on Formed (Episode 7)
March 4th - Mardi Gras - No Meeting
March 11th - "The Sorrowful Mysteries" on Formed (Episodes 1-2)
March 18th - "The Sorrowful Mysteries" on Formed (Episodes 3-4)
March 25th - The Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord - No Meeting
April 1st - Parish Mission - No Meeting
April 8th - "The Sorrowful Mysteries" on Formed (Episodes 5-6)
April 15th - "The Sorrowful Mysteries" on Formed (Episode 7)
April 22nd - Easter Tuesday - No Meeting
April 29th - TBD
May 6th - TBD